

Frequently Asked Questions

Many client's have some common queries like what is best for us ? , how much it would be costly ? , which way is best ?
Here we can answer all your queries but if you still having any issues related to your business and our services then please feel free to click on below live WhatsApp, call, and Upwork button and we do best to resolve your issues.

WordPress is on the trend. Websites can be developed using other platforms like Shopify, Laravel, and many more but, WordPress is the one that is standing out of the crowd.

WordPress is very supportive and flexible in creating any type of website without any restrictions. Creating a website with more credibility and reliability is more important, so understanding the project requirements and choosing the most suitable platform will help in producing better results.

Regular maintenance is essential for a website to stabilize its flexibility and reliability. Proper maintenance would help in ensuring your website’s security, invite new visitors, boost traffic and more.

Traffic is typically a direct result of an increase in rankings. Once your rankings begin to increase, you will also begin to see gradual increases in traffic to your website. Keep in mind that new rankings and traffic are not instantaneous, it takes a few months to complete the necessary updates and get them indexed before you will begin to see these increases.

A website that sits stagnant for long periods of time, without any new or fresh content, is nothing more that an online brochure for your company. A successful website will interact with consumers and provide new and up to date information and content. Also, in terms of SEO, Google much prefers a website that is consistently updated. There’s no specific time limit on updating your website, just make sure it stays relevant.

Facebook? Aim for once a day and definitely no less than 3 times a week.
Instagram? Once or twice a day.
LinkedIn? At least twice a week and no more than once per day.
Twitter? This one is a bit more varied but generally anywhere from 3-30 tweets per day is good

Depending on the type of project, either the electronic copy of the project in desired format is sent to the customer or uploaded at the hosting server on the Internet.

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Our great agency works on Web Development, SEO, Digital Marketing, E-commerce websites, and many more. Gem Programmers offer you excellent quality work done for you.


Benefits & What We do?

Here we can answer all your queries but if you still having any issues related to your business and our services then please feel free to click on below live WhatsApp, call, and Upwork button and we do best to resolve your issues.

Ethical SEO agencies cannot guarantee something they can’t control and beware of any company that claims they can. There is no way to know 100% how a site will rank because of the search engine’s constantly evolving nature and to guarantee rankings would be unethical. Also, beware of companies claiming they have a special relationship with Google or can ‘priority submit’ to Google to guarantee ranking positions. This is completely false and untrue, and Google itself warns against companies that make these claims.

Google obtains the majority of search traffic, with about 67% total searches. Bing comes in second with about 17%, then Yahoo with roughly 12% and the remaining Search Engines all total about 4%.

A graphic designer does more than just put their creative skills to work. Though most graphic designers are intuitively creative already, they have generally spent time studying numerous design principles. It’s vital to understand how to use design elements to transmit the required messages and values as well as evoke a certain feeling in the viewer. As a visual communicator, they leverage these design elements and use concepts such as color, typography, space, balance, form and lines to create their visual message.

There are many ways to work with a graphic designer. Partnership options include working through an agency, using a platform like 99designs, or hiring them directly. However, you will want to be prepared to communicate clearly and often about what you want from the graphic designer. The more specific you can be when you fill out your request the more likely the final product will reflect your vision. Communicating clearly and minimizing revisions will hold down your expenses. Most graphic designers include one or two rounds of changes in their project price.

A static Website is one that is written in plain Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) only. Each page is a separate document and there is no database that it draws on. What this means functionally is that the only way to edit the Website is to go into each page and edit the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) tags – so you’d either have to do it yourself using a Webpage editor like FrontPage, Dreamweaver or pay the Designing company to go in and edit the Website each time you wanted something changed.

A dynamic Website is written using more complex code and can do a lot more. For instance, we can create a log in box through which one can change various parts of the site after he has signed in, such as adding information or products. This is because each page is constructed based on the information in a database, and the information in that database can be changed via another user friendly interface.

The dynamic Websites usually cost more to develop, as they require more complex coding and a content management utility needs to be developed to help you manage your Website information. But in the long run dynamic Websites are cost effective and easy to maintain.

Another benefit of dynamic Websites is that they allow you to change only the content of the site and not the design, so you will not be able to accidentally break the visual style of the Website. They have other benefits when Websites start to get very large, as they make data management much more efficient and your Website more expandable.

Many clients do a combination, having some dynamic areas such as a product catalog where they have to change information or pictures regularly, and leave other pages such as contact information as static pages.

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